
Summoner Practically Married to Female Streamer

Friday, September 6, 2013

DAYTON, OH—Reports indicate that mere minutes after his most recent donation, summoner SilvurRider was declaring his mutual adoration with his favorite female streamer. "We just feel this really intense bond you know? Like things are clicking, I can see it in the way she smiles when she checks Paypal," said SilvurRider, adding that he was only charged $20 for moderation privileges, which he noted is normally $25. Several of those around SilvurRider seem to have grown concerned over the situation. "He used to come out to movies and stuff with us, but these days he always says he's going to stay in with his girlfriend because she is sick or tired or whatever, he doesn't even buy lunch anymore because he says she is more important," said Steve, a classmate. "I'd like to at least meet her." 

According to SilvurRider he first began watching the stream for selfish reasons, stating he wanted to practice coaching, and that this female streamer seemed to have a lot of potential. "But if she wants to pay me back sometime she could just give me a kiss," he said, his face contorting into what he clarified was a wink. SilvurRider has decided that they would have a summer wedding, citing her preference for sun-based champion Leona. 

We reached out to the female streamer for comment, however she said she did not have time, as she would be late to the movies with her boyfriend Johnathon. 

"I really should tell my mom," added SilvurRider. "She's going to be so excited."

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